Designs that take prosthetics to an all new level

There is no doubt in the fact that only the amputee knows pain of losing limbs but there are some designers who also have understood this pain and have come up with some prosthetic limb concepts that are adept at making the life of an amputee way more comfortable and independent. Following are some designs that could make prosthetics way more useful, in form, function, and even expression.

Immaculate Prosthetic Limbs

Immaculate Prosthetic Limbs

Immaculate prosthetic limb designed by Alexander Huseklepp is just a concept at the moment. The designer has put in a lot of effort to make this concept very effective and good looking. It looks like a robot’s arm that can be a fashion statement for a disabled person and the limb can largely bring back the lost performance of the amputee. The prosthetic limb is made of corian plates and dome-joints that are flexible.

CADENCE prosthetic leg

CADENCE prosthetic leg

This concept aims to improve the performance of the paraplegic cyclists. Designer Seth Aslie is behind the creation of this amazing concept called CADENCE. It will allow the cyclists to pedal in a proper circular motion, as the limb gives their leg a natural movement. An elastomeric band at the front of the prosthetic leg gathers energy when the cyclist pedals forward. The split toe design offers an easy clipping and unclipping function to the cyclist, thus, bettering his performance.

Adidas Symbiosis Prosthesis

Adidas Symbiosis Prosthesis

This is a prosthetic limb concept that has called for the usage of unique materials like carbon fiber, Sorbothane, electromagnetic steel, and aluminum. In comparison to many other concepts, this looks more promising to help the amputees lead a better life. The electromagnets substitute human muscles and send a wireless signal that leads to a normal movement.

Affordable Prosthetic Concept

Affordable Prosthetic Concept

Designer Dana Bedeen understood the fact that it is not possible for many amputees to buy prosthetics due to their high costs, and has come up with a concept that is quite affordable. Besides affordability, the factors that Dana has taken into consideration are look and comfort. The prosthetic design will be made from high impact resistant polycarbonate.

Sensitive Touch Glove

Sensitive Touch Glove

Smart Gloves is a concept that will replace lifeless and unmoving prosthetic substitutes. Smart gloves move and enable the amputee to feel things. Daniel Kamp has designed sensitive touch glove to give some sensation back to the missing arms.


The coming times seem to be quite beneficial for amputees, as several designers are putting in efforts to invent such prosthetic limbs that can give the disabled an easy and an independent life.

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